Sunday, September 8, 2019

Trump Dorian cat tweet 9/8/2019

There's a secret message in that cat video... 

"By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes" = 614 (English Ordinal) Trump's birthday 6/14

"something wicked this way comes" = 2424 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"forty fifth President of the United States Donald John Trump" = 2424 (Satanic)
"June fourteenth nineteen forty six" = 2424 (English Sumerian) (Trump's birthday)
"make america great again" = 2424 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"The Project for the New American Century" = 2424 (English Sumerian)
"Ancient Accepted York Rite of Freemasonry" = 2424 (English Sumerian)
"make the temple great again" = 2424 (Reverse English Sumerian)

There's so many things under the 2424 number because there are 2424 days between the twin eclipses that make an X over the US. Trump is destined to be the President during that time. Which means he's going to win the 2020 election. He's in no danger until after the second eclipse on 4/8/2424 leaving 9 months and 11 days until the next President is seated. 

The "som3thingwicked" in the corner... It's a big joke the Dems are in on it...They were scheduled to take back the house in 2018 ...
"The blue wave of twenty eighteen" = 2424 (Reverse English Sumerian)

It's a big club and you're not in it! 

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