Friday, June 10, 2016

German Politician Mocks Pervert Greens by Greeting Parliament in 60 different Genders

Give the guy a metal!

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AfD politician Steffen Königer ridiculed the Greens in the Brandenburg Parliament for their proposal of a "Campaign for Acceptance of Gender and Sexual diversity, self-determination and against Homo and Trans*-phobia in Brandenburg" as well as "giving equal rights and societal equality for LGBTTQQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans, Two-spirit, Queer, Questionig) people in Brandenburg" by quoting 60 of the Genders considers by the Greens to be actual Identities.

He finished his introduction of almost 3 minutes by stating that his party rejects the proposal.

The Gender insanity has reached critical levels in Germany: Every paper, letter or official statement has to be "gendered" by including additional symbols for 2 or more genders to avoid discrimination, for example "Sehr geehrte(r) Herr/Frau" or "Sehr geehrte Student*innen" or "Sehr geehrte Studierende" (new Neutral form) to address males or females simultaneously.

This is considered by many as an attack on the German language as well as poisoning to the minds of schoolchildren or university students.

A very loud, tiny minority now forces their insane ideology on the heterosexual society, calling anybody that disagrees with their policies a "homophobe" or bigot.

This out-of-control political correctness has lead to huge taxpayer funding of absurd university courses. For example the ruling parties (Green and CDU) in the State of Baden-Württemberg stated in their program that the most important scientific fields for research to keep Germany competitive are "Gender Studies", political sciences, Philosophy and the Arts.

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