Thursday, June 2, 2016

King Tut's dagger was 'made from a meteorite'

By Robert Sawatzky, for CNN
Updated 8:43 AM ET, Thu June 2, 2016


Obama" in the English Ordinal system equals 32

"Robert " in the English Reduction system equals 33
Sawatzky in Simple Gematria Equals: 126
Wormwood, Nine Nine Nine, Eleven Eleven, King of Israel

Made From A Meteorite in English Gematria Equals: 1116

Meteorite in Simple Gematria Equals: 110
President in Simple Gematria Equals: 110

King Tut in English Gematria Equals: 612=6/12

Tutankhamun " in the English Ordinal system equals 144

King Tut connection to Flight 804
King Tut in English Gematria Equals: 612=6/12

Flight 804 and June 12th 6/12

Egypt Air Airbus A Three Twenty" in the English Ordinal system equals 335
804 hours converted to days
804 hours = 33.5 days

33 days from crash is 6/21
The total number of days between Thursday, May 19th, 2016 and Tuesday, June 21st, 2016 is 33 days.

"June twenty first" in the English Reduction system equals 67
Blood sacrifice" in the English Reduction system equals 67

June 21st = six two one
"six two one" in the English Ordinal system equals 144

June 21 is summer solstice

"summer solstice " in the English Reduction system equals 56
"All seeing eye" in the English Reduction system equals 56

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