Thursday, April 16, 2020

Bitcoin Halloween white paper to Microsoft patent #555 weeks.


Microsoft’s patent for cryptocurrency system that uses body activity data, and its March 26, 2020 publication date

Look up this MICROSOFT Patent, W02020060606.  Notice the 60606 in it, like 666.  This patent has to do with the human body, and currency, which connects with Revelation and the mark of the beast, which relates to a person’s ability to buy or sell.

Microsoft crypto currency WO2020060606 system using body activity data

Patent number WO2020060606
Got that 666 number in there didn't he!

International Filing Date

Bitcoin started on 1/9/2009
White paper published on 10/31/2008

From and including: Friday, January 9, 2009
To, but not including Thursday, June 20, 2019
Result: 3814 days
Or 10 years, 5 months, 11 days
"Ancient Rite Of Scottish Freemasonry" = 1511 (Satanic)
Or 125 months, 11 days excluding the end date.
544 weeks and 6 days
1044.93% of a common year (365 days)

Microsoft patent WO2020060606

"year of the pig" = 555 (Satanic)
"the black death" = 555 (Satanic)
"Lunar Eclipse" = 555 (Satanic)
"Pearl Harbour" = 555 (Satanic)
"Vatican City" = 555 (Reverse Satanic)
"assassinate" = 555 (Reverse Satanic)
"Faked Death" = 555 (Reverse Satanic)
"Saturn return" = 555 (Reverse Satanic)
"Jesus returns" = 555 (Reverse Satanic)
"Seattle boom" = 555 (Reverse Satanic)
"A Time to kill" = 555 (Reverse Satanic)
"USD collapse" = 555 (Reverse Satanic)
"Simchat Torah" = 555 (Satanic)
Simchat Torah 2020 will begin in the evening ofSaturday, October 10
and ends in the evening of Sun, October 11

"new" = 555 (English Extended)
"venom" = 555 (English Extended)
"Euros" = 555 (English Extended)
"New York" = 555 (Reverse Extended)
"Evil" = 555 (Reverse Extended)
"Horses" = 555 (Reverse Extended)
"Temple Bnai Abraham" = 555 (English Extended)
Temple B'nai Abraham (also known as Deliverance Temple and Deliverance Evangelistic Center) is a historic synagogue and church building at 621 Clinton Avenue in Newark, Essex County, New Jersey, United States.
"New York" = 555 (Reverse Extended)
"Evil" = 555 (Reverse Extended)
"Horses" = 555 (Reverse Extended)

"October two thousand eighteen stock market collapsing" = 555 (English Ordinal)
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" = 555 (Reverse Ordinal)
"September eleventh two thousand one attack" = 555 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Deadliest terrorist attack in human history" = 555 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Freemasonic Satanic Brotherhood Order" = 555 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Purple rain" = 555 (Jewish)
"Prison Planet" = 555 (Jewish)
"Kill Goyim" = 555 (Jewish)
"sealed indictments" = 555 (Jewish)
"Bulls and Bears" = 555 (Jewish)
"Suffocation" = 555 (Jewish)
"exchange rate" = 555 (Jewish)
"US dollars" = 555 (Jewish)
"the great collapse" = 555 (Jewish)
"message in a bottle" = 555 (Jewish)
"alien enemy" = 555 (Jewish)
"beast number" = 555 (Jewish)
"ungodliness" = 555 (Jewish)
"fear the storm" = 555 (Jewish)

"a storm is coming" = 555 (Primes)
"transmission" = 555 (Primes)
"Square Compass" = 555 (Primes)
"Heifer" = 555 (Squares)

"crown" = 1073 (Jewish)

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