Friday, April 17, 2020

Jack Dorsey Satanic verses tweet #1214 #74 #37

Date 5+24+20+06= 55
"Satan" = 55 (English Ordinal)
"Rothschild" = 55 (Reverse Full Reduction)

"Satanic verses" = 88 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"House of Rothschild" = 88 (Full Reduction)

Rothschild coat of arms says...
"Concordia, Integritas, Industria"

"Concordia, Integritas, Industria" = 1214 (Jewish)
"Satanic verses" = 1214 (Jewish)
"All Seeing Eye Of The Illuminati" = 1214 (Jewish)
"Jachin Boaz" = 1214 (Jewish)
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" = 1214 (Jewish)

That's why you always see that 1214 number in mass shootings all the time! It's a Rothschild signature.

12:37 AM is the 37th minute of the day
"communist" = 37 (Full Reduction)
"hell" = 37 (English Ordinal)
Mirror of 74 is 47 "Satanic verses"= 47 (Full Reduction)

"Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine" = 418 (Septenary)

"Here is wisdom Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is" = 418 (Septenary)

"Jack Dorsey" = 666 (English Sumerian)

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