The phrase "black death" (mors nigra) was used in 1350 by Simon de Covino or Couvin, a Belgian astronomer, who wrote the poem "On the Judgment of the Sun at a Feast of Saturn" (De judicio Solis in convivio Saturni), which attributes the plague to a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.
Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre Closes Amid Coronavirus Fears. March 25, 2020, at 12:09 p.m. Last time it was closed was because of the Black Death in 1349.
From 1349 to 2020 is 671 years....
"Cremation of Care" = 671 (Satanic)
"The beast system" = 671 (Satanic)
"pike place market" = 671 (Satanic)
"financial crisis" = 671 (Satanic)
"Seattle Storm" = 671 (Jewish)
"Taurus" = 671 (Jewish)
"Clear and Present Danger" = 671 (Jewish)
"Saturn is God" = 671 (Jewish)

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