Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Frauds and Fools Parade

By JE Aggas 1/19/2017

It's the day before Donald J Trump's inauguration and the protesters are arriving. A parade of surreal ridiculousness with their professionally printed signs and their nonsense chanting. I always love looking at their costumes pondering just how many hours in front of a mirror it took to get the covenanted rainbow Che'ish look. They all have selfy ready iphones, they all have debit cards and they all have their scripts which they don't understand.

Scripts wrote for them by frauds hired by the three headed monster consisting of governments, banks and corporations I like to think of as Cerberus the three-headed dog that guarded the entrance of the underworld, allowing the dead to enter but letting none out. Scripts wrote to convince us to stay in the roach motel, where "roaches get in but they can't get out!" The new world order nightmare bought to us by the richest most powerful people on Earth intended to enslave humanity forever in a tyrannical technological abyss from which mankind will never escape. The end of human freedom that is what the beast system wants. But don't ask the fools why are they working for the very same people who want to annililate our freedom, they have no idea who or what they're working for. Are they too stupid to understand or are they just too egostistical and vain to care? Who knows! Probably a mixture of both "It's all about me says the zombie". Either way the fraud and fools parade intends to sabotage the Trump presidency right from the beginning.

Will it work? I don't think so but I don't think it's intended to work. I think the purpose of the fools parade it to provide "political theatre" smoke and mirrors cover for other things the new world order beast system will be doing.

Like for instance the snakeish decepticons in Davos hiss whispering about ending cash! "The end of cash, "that's the way we'll deal with the unhappiness of the awake slaves" says the Davos demons! Ending cash would be a big blow to the human freedom movement breaking out everywhere in the West. The tortures the beast can put us through by making us get approval from them on every penny we spend is endless! It's undoubtedly just one of the huge list of things they're planning to try and sneak by us while our attention is diverted by the fool show. The snake is long, it's global and it suffocates us slowly. The method of operation is always the same, slow steady death, totalitarian tip toe, inch by inch, squeezing stealing life force breath... This thing moves slow and it can do that because it's an ancient plan coming from the beginning of time and it just loves revolutions.

It's hard to find a revolution in history that's hasn't benefitted the elites and caused human suffering on a gigantic scale. There may be a few exceptions but not very many. Revolution is seductly sold to the people as romantic justice. The elites, Hollywood in particular, has produced a huge amount of content portraying this falsehood. When you take a closer look at revolutions you see one thing over and over. A lot of people die, the elites centralize power and steal everybody's money! No wonder George Soros is promoting color revolutions they're a get rich quick scheme! And he knows that since he's stolen billions of dollars from the poorest people on Earth causing currency revolutions! That's what these protesters are getting paid to do. Help George Soros and the globalists screw the poor! Elites, frauds and fools a deadly cocktail that produces nothing but suffering expecially for the weakest among us. Thanks fools!

So let the show begin but remember snake a lot of us will be watching your every slow move in the economy, law, religion, contacts, media, culture and in politics. While you will be able to fool the weak minded, the egotistical and the young, millions of people won't be fooled by anything you do! People are a lot smarter than they were in the sixties. In fact trying to recreate the sixties was a stupid idea and a big mistake. Older people who lived then have since figured out they were deceived and want to take revenge for that. This is the chance they needed to collect on a personal grudge and they will use it.

As for the young, the elites always target them all through history because they know they're stupid. All older people know they were stupid when they were young it's a universal truth. The only people who don't know they were stupid when they were young are young people. But even they will know they were stupid when they young when they get older. It's unavoidable.

Young people right now who are tempted with romantic tales of justice and revolution need to imagine this...

Imagine you're born in a deep black cold lonely hole. All you can see is a circle of light far above you. You see the light, feel a little bit of the warmth and hear the voices of other people. You want to be there and you work your entire life to get to the light but you never make it and you die in the hole. That's what the globalists have planned for your future. A world so hellish the dead will be the lucky ones. And they're not even hiding it they make movie after movie after movie telling you exactly what they're going to do to you and you can't even see it. Hidden in plain sight but invisible to people with eyes that can't see.

Whether Trump's good or evil doesn't matter. All that matters is the extra time he's given us to to battle the beast system by causing a fight amongst the elite factions themselves and there is no way in hell that awake people who can see that are going to let a bunch of stupid snot nosed brats screw that up.

There's nothing new under the sun, the world is a stage, the show goes on.

Ignore the frauds and fools parade and keep your eye on the snake! This really is a war between good and evil and the evil ones cannot be allowed to win.

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